Jammu & Kashmir Ittihadul Muslimeen, JKIM (meaning 'Unity of Muslims', name written in Urdu, Arabic & Persian as: اتحاد المسلمين, Ittihadul Muslimeen) is a Muslim political party in (Indian held) Jammu & Kashmir founded to provide to the people of Jammu and Kashmir a viable, democratic and broad based political platform that would reflect their true will and aspirations and endeavor to realize the vision of a peaceful and prosperous future for the people of the State.
In 1962, Maulana Mohammad Abbas Ansari, an esteemed & revered Shiite religious personality and the Founder and Chief Patron of JKIM succeeded in discovering the cause of prevailing mental lethargy of the Shia Community of Kashmir and took positive steps to eliminate it. He felt the reform was necessary not only in academic field but also in political field. To work on the political front, the first and largest political party of the Shiite community of Kashmir named "Jammu & Kashmir Ittihadul Muslimeen" (JKIM) was established. JKIM works for the political, Social and economic welfare of the Muslims of Kashmir and demanded a UN supervised plebiscite in Kashmir. It has organized various seminars and conventions which called for the union of the divided parts of Kashmir and holding of plebiscite in accordance with the United Nations resolutions of 1948 - 49.
The founder of JKIM & Islamic Unity leader Maulana Mohammad Abbas Ansari along with his companions and sympathizers of the nation founded Anjumani Safina (Safina Association), a religious, academic & cultural organization in May 1961. In the academic field, it launched a religio-political monthly magazine named "Safeena" in June 1961. The association was confined to a limited orbit; therefore in view of the vast interests of the Nation its extent was necessary. It was very important to take revolutionary steps to expose its vast ideologies publicly in political field also. In his quest for forging unity among the people of the valley particularly Muslim, Maulana Ansari and the members of the "Safina Association" made an all-embracing political party "Jammu & Kashmir Ittihadul Muslimeen" (JKIM) on the 27th of March, 1962 at its historic Chattabal (Srinagar) General Session of the Organization.
The main object of JKIM was to keep the various sects of Muslims united and fight the divisive forces. The political objective of JKIM is to struggle, by all means allowed to the subjugated peoples by the UN under its General Assembly & Security Council Resolutions, to enable the people of Jammu Kashmir State to exercise their right of self determination and obtain a respectable place in the comity of free nations. JKIM also works for the Social, educational, cultural and economic welfare of the people of Kashmir.[1]
Within a couple of years of formation of JKIM, its branches were established in different cities and towns of Jammu & Kashmir. In 1990 its branches were established in Azad Kashmir and Pakistan.
The basic principles of JKIM regarding politics and religion are as follows:
(1) Religion and politics are inseparable and for a clean politics Islam provides the best teachings, but at the same moment JKIM is against exploiting religion for materialistic benefits which true Muslims should abhor.
(2) Among the definite goals of JKIM is a strong and united Muslim community as we believe that freedom requires unity of all masses and a support of all classes. We have made it a main purpose of our struggle to bring Muslims on a single platform and establish a moment that would safeguard their future and revive Muslim ideals.
(3) The freedom struggle of the State of Jammu and Kashmir is a religion-based peaceful and non violent national liberation struggle. By describing it a non religious or secular movement or any type of communal agitation means playing with the sentiments of the majority of the State. Our party considers the freedom struggle in the State as people's struggle for freedom against the foreign occupants and in contravention of international principles.
(4) That the people of the state only, as sole masters of their motherland are competent to determine the future status of the state. But the governments of India and Pakistan, even without having any locus stand in the matter of determining the future status of the state, do in view of the geo-political realities prevailing, practically emerge as parties involved and effected by the problem and thereby their concurrence becomes necessary for a practical, peaceful and lasting political settlement of the future status of the state. In no case, however, can the J&K problem is deemed to be a border dispute between the two or more countries of this region.
(5) That an early solution of the problem is essential or restore basic human rights to the people of the state and to relieve the sub-continent from political and socio-economic tension and to eliminate the possibility of a nuclear conflict in this region.
(6) Patriotism means faithfulness towards one's country, towards its people, towards the history and culture of the community and safety and security of its borders and preservation of its sovereignty. Anybody or any party rejecting the internationally accepted interpretation of patriotism is not a patriot from our party's point of view.
(7) The interpretation of "azaadi" is that the forcible occupation of the State is to be resisted by the people of all the five units of the State by organizing peaceful civil disobedience movement and demonstration of public power based on the principle of non-violence and through democratic process.
(8) Regarding the future of the State, JKIM believes that it is to be liberated from occupational forces and a society based on the concept of peoples power is to be established in which (a) every man and woman will have the freedom to pursue his or her economic, religious and political beliefs (b) the governing system will be based on the principles of democratic justice and religious harmony and tolerance (c) the state will be responsible for providing the people their basic needs, education, sustenance and medical facilities (d) no person belonging to the State will be forcibly deprived of his right to life and residence on the basis of his religious beliefs, ethnicity, caste, creed or language.
Within the ambit of and scope of foregoing basic principles and political ideology, following shall be the aims and objectives of the party:
(1) To strive for unity of Muslim Community and struggle for achieving religious tolerance and harmony with other religions and sects.
(2) To make peaceful political struggle to secure for the people of Jammu and Kashmir State the exercise of the right of self-determination in accordance with the UN charter.
(3) To strive and struggle for achieving people's all fundamental and human rights of life, faith, expression, assembly, property, trade and residence etc. to the inhabitants of Jammu & Kashmir.
(4) Take legal and timely steps for protection and perfection of political position, geographical boundaries, cultural bequests and Islamic identity of Jammu & Kashmir.
(5) To co-operate with and seek co-operation of like minded parties, groups and individuals within and outside state in political and other matters of public importance.
(6) To establish contact and rapport with intellectuals, religious scholars, parliamentarians, politicians, academicians, journalists and other opinion building sections of societies of Pakistan and India and throughout the world and plead for their support to the cause of the people of the State.
(7) To work for betterment of Muslim Ummah and to take positive steps for maintenance of educational setup and removal of illiteracy, poverty, unemployment, social evils etc.
(8) Start an all round scheme to awaken religious and political consciousness to every member of the nation.
The main pillars of the political ideology of JKIM are:
(1) That Jammu Kashmir State spread over about 217,000 km2 and comprising Indian occupied areas (Kashmir Valley, Jammu and Ladakh provinces), Pakistani controlled parts i.e. Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan (all those territories that formed it on August 14, 1947)is an indivisible political entity and that the Whole State is a disputed territory. The whole State is geographically and politically one unit and indivisible. No part of this State is constitutionally or legally a part of any country.
(2) That Kashmir issue is not a territorial dispute between India and Pakistan but concerns the issue of letting Kashmiris exercise their inherent, internationally recognized, pledged, fully deserved and unfettered right of self-determination.
(3) That no solution of Kashmir issue, not based on free and unfettered will of at least the majority of the people of the entire State, can be termed as an equitable one.
(4) That the best solution of the issue is to re-unite the divided Jammu Kashmir State, demilitarize all regions and give people the right of self determination. (However we concede that the final status of the State should be subject to the approval by the majority of the people of the entire State through a free and unfettered expression of their will.)
(5) That all citizens of the entire State should enjoy equal political, economic and social rights and freedom of expression and faith, irrespective of their race, religion, region, culture and sex.
(6) Any person who has been forced out of the State from 1947 till the attainment of freedom will have the legal right to return to the State and adopt permanent residence. (This would include the legal descendants of the people belonging to the State. The State shall be bound to provide legal and financial help to such people.)
(1) Jammu Kashmir Ittihadul Muslimeen (JKIM) believes that the treaty of Amritsar of 1846 affecting the sale of Kashmir by the British Govt. to Maharaja Gulab Singh of Jammu is legally void, politically invalid, historically obsolete and morally inchoate.
(2) JKIM declares Kashmir issue as an unsettled International dispute which has threatened the very existence of Kashmiris as a nation besides endangering the peace and stability in South Asia. The peaceful and political solution of the Kashmir issue lies in giving the right of self determination by both the dominions India and Pakistan to the people of Jammu and Kashmir as promised by not only India and Pakistan but also promised by the security council of United Nations Organization.
(3) Despite the commitment made by Government of India in equivocal terms to ascertain wish of the people on the question of accession, by way of referendum, till date the Government of India has not fulfilled its promise and the condition of accession. It is settled that accessions can be either revocable or irrevocable. The Governor General of India itself made accession revocable and directed that the accession of the Kashmir state with dominion of India will be decided by the people of state. The Government of India itself did not accept the instrument of accession signed by the fleeing Maharaja.
(4) JKIM believes that the accession of Kashmir with India is inchoate. Government of India cannot hold people of Kashmir. It must and in fact is under an obligation to ascertain the will of the people. People of our state have absolute choice in the matter of their continuing with Government of India or to annual the arrangement. But under no circumstance Govt. of India can refuse to ascertain the political will of the people. In last 60 years holding of referendum on the question of accession has been avoided. JKIM believes that govt. of India is first interested in altering the community composition of our people purely on the basis of religion and then hold the plebiscite as and when the present majority community is reduced to minority. We won't let this happen. We want referendum now and we will leave no stone unturned in our efforts to pressurize Govt. of India and Pakistan to hold plebiscite in the whole state so that the commitment made to the people of Kashmir on October 27, 1947 is fulfilled. For the purpose whatever means we may have to employ in achieving our political objective, will be adopted. Failure on the part of India to hold plebiscite provides complete morale basis to our movement and on going struggle. Our movement has roots in our conscience. It can never lie. Our generation after the other will fight. With every day the movement will become more intense and effective. Our movement has ideological basis. It cannot be suppressed no matter what the cost is. We are determined to alter the status quo and put an end to Indian occupation on our soil.
The organizational structure of JKIM is as follows:-
(1): Chief Patron: JKIM works under the leadership of a religio-political personality eligible for issuing religious decrees.
(2): Central Office Bearers: These include the President, Three Vice Presidents (the president of AJK is one of them); General Secretary, Deputy / Assistant Secretaries; Publicity Secretary; Chief Organizer, Dy. Chief Organizer; Secretary Finance and his Deputy. All the Central Office Bearers are nominated to the office by the members of Central Working Committee (CWC).
(3): Central Executive Council (CEC): 14 member CEC includes all the Central office bearers, President and Secretary of JKIM youth wing and five members (elected by CWC). The CEC is the chief decision making organ of the organization.
(4): Central Working Committee (CWC): The 36 members of this 41 member committee are elected for two years by the General Council of JKIM and the remaining 5 members are nominated by the Chief Patron of the Party.
(5): JKIM has District Councils in all the districts of Jammu & Kashmir, Zonal Executive Committees, Tehsil Committees and basic units (branches) in different Mohallas and villages of the State. All these constitute the Central Electoral College or General Council of JKIM. The District Councils, Zonal Committees, the heads of the basic branches are elected by their respective bodies. The Central Committee of JKIM youth wing is elected by the heads of its Zonal Committees.
(6): Standing Committees: The work of different fields has been assigned to respective committees which function under instructions and guidance of the CEC through the President. These Committees are:-
(A): Policy and Planning Committee: This comprises the heads of all the Sub-Committees and the Senior Vice President, General Secretary and Presidents of all District Councils.
(B): Sub-Committees: These Sub-Committees are:- (1) Political Committee, (2) Diplomatic Committee, (3) Publicity Relations Committee, (4) Religious Affairs Committee, (5) Organizational Committee, (6) Finance Committee.
(C): Auxiliary Committees: The following Auxiliary Committees have been set up and are working at appropriate time: (1) Economic Affairs Committee (2) Human Rights Protection Committee (3) Educational Affairs Committee (4) Public Welfare Committee.
At present JKIM is established in all the Districts and Tehsils of Jammu & Kashmir, Azad Kashmir, in Gilgit and Skardu districts of Gilgit-Baltistan and in the twin cities of Islamabad and Rawalpindi of Pakistan. In Indian occupied J&K, things have not been running smoothly. In 1990's almost the entire JKIM leadership was arrested and hundreds of our members comprising almost the entire leadership of the youth wing of JKIM were killed by Indian armed forces. It took quite some time to re-establish the zonal organization after this catastrophe. The Zonal committees of our youth wing have been reorganized and the elections of the President and other office bearers and committees of JKIM are being hold regularly after two years.
As all movements for right to self determination do, we have been struggling for our rights on political, diplomatic and religio-cultural fronts. Following are brief details of each of them:
(1): Political Front: JKIM has been projecting its ideology, Aims and Objectives and demands through literature, open letters, memoranda, rallies, protest demonstrations, strikes, press conferences; conferences, seminars and meetings with dignitaries. It has been forming alliances with other Kashmiri organizations. JKIM has also been launching campaigns in favor of or against different events and practices which have positive or negative effects on freedom struggle of Jammu & Kashmir. On scores of occasions, big number of its members including senior office bearers and those of our youth wing has been arrested after protest demonstrations in J&K. On many occasions those arrested had to spend up to years together in Indian and IHK jails. On these occasions the demonstrators face baton charges and tear gas from police.
(2): Diplomatic Front: Having been formed in 1962, JKIM started its very struggle on diplomatic front also. We attended international conferences, held press conferences and met dignitaries on international level. It also briefed diplomats collectively. It corresponded with international organizations and institutions. After his release, JKIM Chief Patron Maulana Abbas undertook an overseas tour to present the freedom movement of Kashmir in its correct perspective and highlight the atrocities being perpetrated on Kashmiris. In United States, United Kingdom, Iran, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia he apprised the leadership and the public about the struggle going on the state and the repression unleashed by the Indian security forces. Maulana also gave a comprehensive presentation of the Kashmir cause at the OIC meet in Casablanca (Morocco) and Doha (Qatar) in 1994 & November 2000 respectively. Maulana Abbas was one of the senior Hurriyat leaders to meet the world leaders including Pakistan president, General Pervez Musharraf, Iranian President Syed Mohammad Khatami, Prime ministers of SAARC Countries, European community diplomats and foreign ambassadors in New Delhi. He apprised them about the political situation of Kashmir and invited their respective governments to mediate to resolve Kashmir issue.
(3): Religio-Cultural Front: JKIM is also active in religious and cultural fields. JKIM is bound to perform preaching and religious deeds under its wide range programme. It includes removal of communal & sectarian differences, revival of Islamic thought & philosophy and promulgation and issuance of Islamic rules. The official organ of the party "Monthly Safina" has illuminated the sleeping literary taste in the Urdu & English reading masses of the Valley. JKIM has set up committees and shadow organizations particularly "Al Abbas Relief Trust" to work in educational, cultural and social fields. Social reformation and welfare services have been stressed in the fundamental objectives of the Trust. The party is benefiting thousands of students with standard education in rural areas of Kashmir where monthly fee, uniform, books and other expenses of poor and orphan students is borne by the party.
JKIM appeared on the political scene of Kashmir in 1963 amidst the Holy Relic Movement when the episode of disappearance of Holy Relic of Prophet Mohammad from Hazratbal Shrine appeared in the Valley. To channelise people's anger against the unfortunate episode of the theft of Holy Relic, a united front called "Holy Relic Action Committee" came into being which later assumed political overtones and guided people of Kashmir. JKIM president Maulana Abbas became its spokesman. The whole population rose as one man demanding not only the restoration of the Holy Relic but also the withdrawal of Indian occupation forces from the State. Ultimately the Holy Relic was restored.
JKIM was also instrumental in forming a political party named "Peoples Action Committee" in March 1964 to seek the right of self determination for the people of Kashmir. The government of India took serious exception to the activities of JKIM and Maulana was arrested in 1964. He was arrested again in 1965 for 15 months.
JKIM vehemently opposed the holding of "State political convention" in 1967-68 and described it as deviation from the path of truth. JKIM president reminded the participants that real solution to Kashmir Problem is in the right of self-determination & this Ideological stand saw him again behind the bars. During 1971 Indo-Pak conflict he once again advocated confinement of right of self determination to the people of Kashmir and to silence the voice he was again arrested.
After Indira Gandhi-Sheikh Abdullah accord of February 1975 the Plebiscite Front was wound up and Sheikh Abdullah revived his National Conference. JKIM opposed this accord tooth and Nail and described it as unacceptable to the people of the state. Consequent upon the signing of the accord, JKIM brought all the people of Identical Ideology on a single political platform and declared creation of "Peoples United Front" to work against the sell out. The then Pakistan Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto gave a call for strike on 28 February to protest against the accord and due to the hard efforts of JKIM & Peoples United Front the strike was total and telling.
The period 1975 -85 witnessed the continuous struggle of JKIM & Maulana Abbas against the occupationists and brutalities and atrocities of their puppet regimes in Kashmir. JKIM played the role of opposition leader when it was mandatory for a political party in Kashmir to seek blessings from Sheikh Abdullah. During this period JKIM always stood for the right of self determination. JKIM also launched the campaign against liquor trade in Kashmir. Ruling regime took strong opposition to these activities and Maulana was again detained and charged with mutiny and conspiracy against the Indian government. Trial was conducted in a closed room in central jail, Srinagar.
In 1986 JKIM assembled Muslim scholars, politicians and parties from all sects and sections on a single platform named "Muslim United Front" (MUF), on the fundamental issue of strengthening Muslim community. Its stance on Kashmir was clear and unambiguous; that it has been occupied by fraud and brute force and its people had yet to exercise their right of self determination. Maulana was selected conveyor of the Front. In 1987 Front accepted the challenge of the then chief Minister Farooq Abdullah to fight elections of state assembly to show the world that kashmiri's does not consider itself to be a part of India emotionally. Although all the previous elections of the state legislature were massively rigged by the pro-Indian ruling parties, front fought elections. This election was the proverbial last straw for the people of valley. This was the turning point in the history of Kashmir which culminated in armed rebellion against Indian authority.
JKIM leadership along with Maulana Abbas was arrested in April, 1990 and released after two years of detention. After his release from jail Maulana Abbas along with his other colleagues has tried to give the right direction to the independence movement. He once again started organizing different political, religious, social and humanitarian organizations and played an outstanding role in the formation of "All Parties Hurriyat Conference" (APHC) in 1993. This forum provides a common platform and guidance to the ongoing freedom movement under a collectively and unanimous political leadership.
JKIM on the platform of APHC kept up its campaign for a just solution to the Kashmir issue, and continued, at every level, to discharge its duty of guiding the Kashmiri people and articulating their aspirations. The ruling clique, perceiving the historic alliance as a threat, was always on the lookout for a chance to break it and crush all efforts aimed at resolving the Kashmir issue. Putting these plans into practice, Maulana Abbas Ansari was arrested once again in September 1999.
The APHC on July 12, 2003 unanimously elected JKIM chief patron Maulana Abbas Ansari, as its Chairman at a meeting of the Executive Committee members. Out of the seven constituents, representatives of six parties were present at the meeting. Abbas Ansari was the fourth chairman of the Hurriyat who replaced Abdul Ghani Bhat on the latter's completion of his three-year term. Ansari is also, incidentally, the first Shia to head the Hurriyat Conference. As the true voice of the people of Kashmir and the person who represents the changing mood in Kashmir, Maulana Ansari headed the Hurriyat at this crucial juncture. Soon after taking over as Chairman, he called for an immediate ceasefire between the security forces and the militants. He also suggested the re-opening of the Srinagar-Muzaffarabad road so that the people of both parts of Kashmir could meet their kin.
During his tenure as Chairman of APHC Maulana Abbas initiated a dialogue process with Indian government on the basis that it should be unconditional, level based and exclusively centered on Kashmir problem. An APHC delegation led by Maulana Abbas Ansari negotiated with deputy prime minister of India L. K. Advani in New Delhi on 22nd Jan 2004. The APHC delegation stressed that an honorable and durable solution should be found through dialogue. It was agreed that meeting was the first significant step in the dialogue process and a step-by-step approach would lead to the resolution of all outstanding issues relating to Jammu and Kashmir. The APHC delegation was committed to the enlargement of the dialogue process to cover all regions of Jammu and Kashmir and concerns of all communities. The next round of APHC discussion with Indian government took place in the latter part of March.
On May 21, 2004 in a crowded Public gathering at martyrs' graveyard in Iddgah, Srinagar Hurriyat chairman Maulana Abbas Ansari announced that he was resigning his post in an effort to bring about the reunification of the coalition's factions.
On 7 April 2005, first passengers from either side of the Line of Control cross divided Kashmir as the first Srinagar-Muzaffarabad Bus Service was launched. Hurriyat leaders including Maulana Abbas Ansari visited Pakistan and Muzaffarabad in June 2005 crossing LOC by bus.
Speech of Masroor Abbas Ansari, President JKIM at Geneva Convention on Kashmir http://ittihadul.tripod.com/id14.html
We have no hatred for Hindus or Indians: JKIM Gn Sec Ghulam Hasan Majrooh http://www.indianmuslims.info/interviews/we_have_no_hatred_hindus_or_indians_ghulam_hasan_majrooh.html
JKIM congratulated Barack Obama for winning the US presidential elections http://www.scoopnews.in/det.aspx?706
Official Website of J & K Ittihadul Muslimeen
Official Website of All parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC)
JKIM: First & largest political Party of Kashmiri Shias
Al Abbas Relief Trust, Sister Organization of JKIM